While we're at it...
...let's talk about the rise of the "economic populists." With all of the midwestern-moderate types making headlines in the Democratic party, are we going to see a resurgence of the power of unions and protectionists?
John Edwards, charismatic and energetic as always, is, in my opinion, one of the top contenders for the Democratic nomination in '08 (is he running? ask Jon Stewart). Rasmussen has Edwards within 9 points in a hypothetical matchup against Giuliani, and within 4 against McCain - even better than Hillary (though Hillary is evenly matched up against Giuliani). And Edwards is a geniunely good person, too. All this being said, Edwards is certainly more friendly to the American worker than many other prominent Democrats.
While I'm more of a free-trader myself (though I admit I'm not sure on this one), the economic populists are certainly more progressive on issues like universal health insurance and the minimum wage, so maybe this is a positive development.
Actually there was an NPR about this. I guess I am an economic populist. We need to figure out how to save our middle income jobs...
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