Saturday, December 23, 2006

Emphasis on the "Gold"

So, Goldman Sachs, with its $9.5 billion profit this year, paid CEO Lloyd Blankfein a $53 million bonus.

I think this would qualify as an appropriate time - if ever there was one - to feature a WaPo editorial on what they call "Just Capitalism." Saying that executive pay has gone "unhinged," they note that,"since 1970, the pay of chief executives has jumped from less than 30 times the average wage to almost 300 times that level." How wonderful...

But, in light of my trashing of the useless uber-rich in previous posts, I suppose I'm obliged to at least let Sebastian Mallaby over at the WaPo defend hedge fund types. I'm just not sure I buy his argument... Along the same lines, enjoy this Associated Press tribute to Reaganomics. As John Hodgman once said, just think of the jobs for those diamond-tip cane polishers and monocle-smiths.


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