Saturday, December 23, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth?

A recent CNN poll shows Obama behind both McCain and Giuliani by 4 and 7-point margins, respectively. Most polls, as far as I can tell, also put Clinton trailing both GOP frontrunners. The one man (other than John Edwards) who appears to be even or ahead of both is...

Al Gore?

Perhaps experience still counts for something in this world. Whether Gore could manage a win as the '08 nominee is debatable, but the fact that he polls higher against the GOP favorites than either Clinton or Obama is pretty telling, I think.

(Full disclosure: Since I talk about John Edwards so much, I must admit that I've long been an Edwards fan. I voted for Edwards in the '04 primary, as Howard Dean had already dropped out by the time primary season got to my state. Also note that the '04 primary was the second time John Kerry failed to receive my vote...and the first time he was running unopposed. Seriously, who let that man be the Democratic nominee in '04?)


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